
And everything you had got destroyed! If I were a boy I would turn off my phone Tell everyone that its broken So they think that I was sleeping alone I’d put myself first ...

That’s not a big concern considering it is an age thing. The fact that you guys are the top offense is super encouraging, and playing against you guys you feel that. I was...

1. You don't have tobite my head off. I'm just quoting Julia. 你不需要冲我发火,我不过是在引用朱莉娅的话。 2. It's just I've neverflunked a testin my entire life. 只是我这辈...

A. was about to B. was likely to C. was supposed to D. was certain to 3) ––– Why didn’t you keep your words, Billy? ––– Sorry, dear. But I really forgot where I was ___ to meet you. A. demanded B. imagined C. supposed D. guessed 4) ...

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